Q3 2023

A group of practising economists has come together to establish the Economists Institute to foster opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and impactful research in the field. A group of practising economists has come together to establish the Economists Institute to foster opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and impactful research in the field. In this era of hybrid work, this member-driven Institute recognises the paramount importance of connecting, building relationships and exchanging knowledge in a rapidly evolving field. The Institute aims to bridge the gap between academia, industry, and policy-making bodies by providing a platform for economists to engage and share insights. “The Economists Institute is committed to empowering economists across Australia by facilitating meaningful connections and fostering an environment of continuous learning,” said Dave Platter, the Director of Member Outreach and Communications. “The Economists Institute’s goal is to ensure that economists can equip themselves with the necessary tools and resources to thrive in this new era of hybrid work.” One of the key objectives of the Economists Institute is to create opportunities for senior economists to offer mentorship and guidance to younger professionals. The Institute will enable experienced economists Economists in Australia Form New MemberDriven Economists Institute, Providing Opportunities for Research, Knowledge Exchange and Career Development to share their knowledge, wisdom, and industry insights by facilitating networking events, workshops, and mentoring programs. This collaboration between seasoned experts and emerging talent will nurture future leaders in the field and promote a culture of learning and growth. Platter further emphasised, “Mentorship plays a pivotal role in the development of economists. Through the Economists Institute, we aim to cultivate an environment where senior professionals can engage with and inspire the next generation, enabling them to confidently navigate the complexities of their careers.” The Economists Institute is also committed to driving member-led research initiatives. We want to encourage economists to contribute to economics and policy discussions and give them a voice in the decision-making at the highest levels of business, media and policy. “The Economists Institute aims to provide a platform for our members to contribute to the economic narrative in Australia and to drive positive change,” added Platter. The Economists Institute invites economists across Australia to become members. The Economists Institute will be a vehicle for economists to advance their careers at the same time as they help advance the field of economics in Australia.