Australian Enterprise Awards 2023

who has excelled in research into the manufacture, origin and management of ground implements from Papua New Guinea, leading to an understanding of implements bought to Australia for ceremonial or chiefly purposes. With field skills that are second to none, the team has introduced new and exciting techniques. They all continue their international research whilst looking further into Australia’s colonial origins and First Nation’s history and culture. To support the team’s pioneering international and national research, Comber Consultants’ extensive library is managed by librarian/archivist, Lindsay Walker, and the field team is supported by operations manager, Chris Jones, who ensures high level environmental management of all fieldwork. The dedication, expertise, and exceptional work of Jillian is acknowledged by appointments to state government panels providing expert advice to government and government contractors on cultural heritage management; by appointment to Heritage Council advisory panels and committees; appointment as Heritage Advisor to local government and by the provision of guest lectures to the University of Sydney, NSW, and Flinders University in South Australia; and as an Adjunct Research Fellow with Flinders University. Jillian is also a Justice of the Peace. Working within Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, Comber Consultants acknowledges that it has a responsibility towards the Aboriginal community to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture is represented appropriately. When recruiting potential new team members to join her consultancy, aside from relevant qualifications and extensive experience, Jillian looks for confident people with a ‘can-do’ and nonjudgemental attitude, who are able to listen and understand both the clients’ and the community’s requirements. “Towards this aim, and to reflect equity and diversity, around 50% of the firm’s staff are Aboriginal and they lead and direct the provision of cultural research and knowledge,” Dr Comber explains. “In addition, the company provides cadetships for Aboriginal students.” Comber Consultants has been acknowledged by the Australian Enterprise Award of Best Cultural Heritage Specialist 2022, a Global 100 award acknowledging that Comber Consultants is one of the best 100 firms globally, and by a National Trust Award for the conservation and adaptive reuse of Waratah House, the office of Comber Consultants and Patrick O’ Carrigan & Partners. Dr Comber herself was also the recipient of an Australia Day Award for outstanding community service, and Sydney University’s Archaeological Society Award. Given its history, work ethic, and the high standards set by the Comber Consultants team, it is not surprising that the company recently gained yet further recognition by being named Cultural Heritage Management Specialists of the Year 2023 in the Australian Enterprise Awards. A highly prized accolade that it so richly deserved by Jillian and the team. Regarding the future, Comber Consultants’ value-led work ethic, proactive approach, and customer-focused business strategy are set to ensure further success. With plans for ongoing education, training, research, and best practice cultural heritage management, the company will be sure to not only continue excelling in its field but also show dedication to growing and improving. Contact: Jillian Comber Company: Comber Consultants Web Address: The Comber Consultants team proudly displaying their award. L-R front row: Dr Agata Calabrese, Dr Jillian Comber, Supriya Singh L-R back row: Chris Jones, James Qiu, Glenn Suey, David Nutley, Patrick O’Carrigan