2022 Australian Enterprise Award Package Brochure

Package Examples apac-insider.com

The Australian Enterprise Awards 2022 returns seeking to acknowledge those businesses and individuals who have played a pivotal role in the resurgence of one of the world’s biggest economies. As one of the top 15 highest grossing economies in the world, Australia boasts many individuals and organisations from across a myriad of sectors and industries deserving praise and recognition. The trade Australia engages in across the globe makes it a major player in the world economy and the Australian Enterprise Awards will shine a light on the firms and individuals who’ve contributed to Australia’s perseverance to retain this role, despite the worldwide economic struggles. APAC Insider continue to award those with the grit and determination of the workforce of numerous businesses across all six Australian states. Entering the 2022 Australian Enterprise Awards on APAC Insider Magazine is a perfect way to showcase your achievements within your industry. Just by taking part in the awards you are confirming your belief in your products and services you provide as well as proving that you are willing to go under scrutiny to prove you are the best of the best. Australian Enterprise Awards introduction Introduction Introduction apac-insder.com

single items Free of charge Introduction Entry into the Australian Enterprise Awards directory Access to & use of the official press release

packages Bronze Package Introduction One page of dedicated content 1 crystal trophy (slate option available) Personalised digital logo + Free of charge items  Australian Enterprise Awards 2 0 2 2 Company Name Award Title $1,195 AUD

Front cover logo on the celebratory magazine One page of dedicated content 1 crystal trophy (slate option available) Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate + Free of charge items packages Silver Package Introduction  Australian Enterprise Awards 2 0 2 2 Company Name Award Title $1,695 AUD

packages Gold Package Introduction Supporting front cover headline and headshot on the celebratory magazine Two pages of dedicated content at the front end of the magazine 1 crystal trophy (slate option available) Wall mounted plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page bespoke digital brochure 50 hard copies of your bespoke brochure + Free of charge items  Australian Enterprise Awards 2 0 2 2 Company Name Award Title $3,995 AUD – Limited Availability

packages Platinum Package Introduction Main front cover image and headline on the celebratory magazine Four pages of dedicated content at the front-end of the magazine 2 crystal trophies (slate option available) +Wall mounted plaque Personalised digital logo + Personalised digital certificate 8-page bespoke digital brochure 100 hard copies of your bespoke brochure 1 dedicated page in the next two issues of APAC Insider Magazine 12-month clickable web banner advert in a prime position on the APAC Insider website + Free of charge items 100 Copies  Australian Enterprise Awards 2 0 2 2 Company Name Award Title 4 pages $5,895 AUD – Only One Available

single items Single items Introduction Crystal trophy: £320 / $595 AUD Slate trophy: £320 / $595 AUD Wall mounted plaque: £320 / $595 AUD Personalised digital logo: £212 / $395 AUD Personalised digital certificate: £212 / $395 AUD One page of dedicated content: £427 / $795 AUD  Australian Enterprise Awards 2 0 2 2 Company Name Award Title